
Mark Smythe Table Tennis

Australia's no. 1 coach

School Holiday Program

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Sept & Oct 2024 
DATES & TIME: Sept 30, Oct 1 & 2 (Mon, Tues, Weds) from 9:30am - 3:30pm each day 
VENUE: Croydon & Districts Table Tennis Association (115 Liverpool Rd/Kilsyth - Kilsyth Sports Centre)

- Lead Coach: Frank Pearce. Other qualified coaches are on standby if booking numbers are sufficient.
- Cost: $225  
- Discount: 10% per person if book 2 or more people at once. This can include family and/or friends. 
- Participants shall bring own food, snacks & drink bottle
- To make a booking, contact Mark Smythe ( or 0411 493 054)

Below is photo from July 2024 holiday camp held at Sportlink/Vermont South with 4 coaches.